Problem Summary
There are N piles of stones in a row. The i-th pile has Xi stones.
A move consists of merging exactly K consecutive piles into one pile, and the cost of this move is equal to the total number of stones in these K piles.
Find the minimum cost to merge all piles of stones into one pile. If impossible, return -1.
1 ≤ N ≤ 30
2 ≤ K ≤ 30
1 ≤ Xi ≤ 100
First of all, if we carry out a merge on N stones, it will become N-(K-1) piles. If we carry out as many times of merge as possible, there will be (N-1) % (K-1) + 1 piles left.
So, if and only if (N-1) % (K-1) = 0, it is possible to merge N piles into 1 pile.
Solution 1
Now assume we have (N-1) % (K-1) = 0. We can solve this with dynamic programming. Let f[i][j][t] be the minimum cost of merging [Xi, Xi+1, …, Xj] into t piles.
If t = 1, f[i][j][t] = f[i][j][K] + Xi + … + Xj. ((i-j) % (K-1) = 0)
If t > 1, we have (j-i+1 - t) % (K-1) = 0, 1 < t < j-i+1, and f[i][j][t] = min{f[i][mid][1] + f[mid+1][j][t-1]}. (i ≤ mid < j, (mid-1) % (K-i) = 0)
The time complexity is O(N^2 × (N/K) × (N/K)) = O(N^4 / (K^2)). The space complexity is O(N^3).
Solution 2
If we reverse the whole merging process, it will look like spliting one pile into K piles, then split some of them into K piles… We only need the cost of spliting a pile into K piles.
So we don’t really need to calculate the cost of merging some stones into t(t > K) piles. Now we have:
If t = 1, f[i][j][t] = f[i][j][K] + Xi + … + Xj. ((i-j)%(K-1) = 0)
If 1 < t ≤ K, because (j-i+1 - t) % (K-1) = 0 only have one solution t0 in (1, K], we have t = t0. So f[i][j][t] = f[i][j][t0] = min{f[i][mid][1] + f[mid+1][j][t0-1]}. (i ≤ mid < j, (mid-i) % (K-1) = 0)
The time complexity is now reduced to O(N^2 × 1 × (N/K)) = O(N^3 / K), but the space comlexity remains the same.
Solution 3
From Solution 2, we know that for (i, j), there’s only one possible value of t. So we don’t need the third dimension anymore.
Now let f[i][j] be the minimal cost of carry out as many merges on [Xi, …, Xj] as possible.
Intuitively, we divide the problem into two subproblems on [Xi, …, Xmid] and [Xmid+1, …, Xj]. That is, carry as many merges as possible on [Xi, …, Xmid] and [Xmid+1, …, Xj] respectively, and then put the piles left together and try to merge.
But is this correct?
Let a = mid - i + 1, b = j - (mid+1) + 1 = j - mid, c = j - i + 1 = a + b.
If we carry out as many merges as possible on [Xi, …, Xmid] and [Xmid+1, …, Xj] respectively, there will be (a-1) % (K-1) +1 and (b-1) % (K-1) + 1 piles left respectively. And there’s
T = (a-1) % (K-1) + 1 + (b-1) % (K-1) + 1 = (a + b - 2) % (K-1) + 2 = (c - 2) % (K-1) + 2
piles left in total.
If (c-1) % (K-1) = 0, T = K-2 + 2 = K. (T-1) % (K-1) + 1 = 1.
If 1 ≤ (c-1) % (K-1) < K-1, T = (c-1) % (K-1) - 1 + 2 = (c-1) % (K-1) + 1.
In summary, (T-1) % (K-1) + 1 = (c-1) % (K-1) + 1.
So it is correct to divide the problem on [i, j] into two subproblems on [i, mid] and [mid+1, j]. Now we have:
If (j-i) % (K-1) = 0, f[i][j] = min{f[i][mid] + f[mid+1][j]} + Xi + … + Xj.
Otherwise, f[i][j] = min{f[i][mid] + f[mid+1][j]}, i ≤ mid ≤ j, (mid-i) % (K-1) = 0,
Now the time complexity is still O(N^3 / K), but the space complexity has been reduced to O(N^2).
Code 1
Code 2
Code 3